I recently updated all the packages that are used to generate this site, WordPress, Gallery and the vSlider theme, so let me know if you see any inconsistencies or problems with any of the content!

One thing that has changed is the fading in and out of the random header images on each page, previously they were random but static. Let me know how you think that works for you, especially those of you on slow connections because the headers each require pre-loading before they can appear, and this may be painful for all of youse still on dial up!

Stay tuned for some more photos of our recent cross country trip from Portland, Oregon all the way back to Baltimore, taking in California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia! I’m busy sorting through all the 1000s of photos and fine-tuning them in preparation for uploading to the site.

Stay tuned!

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