I was doing some development using an ATtiny26l micro and an Atmel AVRISP mk2 serial programmer tonight. I’ve been using the Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers with avg-gcc (via CrossPack for Macs), the AVR Eclipse Plugin, avrdude and a USB to serial dongle without a problem for the last few
Mac OS X Serial Terminal Programs
I do some embedded software development at home on my Mac, and as others in this situation know, it’s a Windows world out there. It’s fair to say that while there are some tools for embedded developers, there’s not a lot going around by way of free or open source
2010 AFL Ladder Widget Now Available
Head over to the AFL Ladder Widget page to download the 2010 version of the widget! Update: 11-04-2010 Version 2.0.2 fixes a small bug in 2.0.1 and drops the AFL website as a source of data (that site was causing timeouts) and adds another couple of websites to replace it.
2010 AFL Ladder Widget – Stay tuned!
The footy season is about to start for 2010, and once again the AFL Ladder Widget is going to be available for footy fans. As has been the case every other season so far, I will probably need to release a new version of the widget so that it displays