Back In Black

So after a long almost 2 months or so of being down, the site is back up again! We’ve relocated from the USA to Australia and we’ve just got DSL connected tonight and the server back up and running. So check back soon for pictures of our US cross country

Link to Artwork

Here’s a link to some of Rebecca’s artwork, some of it she created in the last few months while out at Portland. I know some people have been keen to see her work so follow this link to the images which are currently hosted on the Maryland State Arts Council

Another AFL Ladder Widget Update!

Well, something in the latest Apple software update to version 10.4.7 seems to have broken the AFL Ladder Widget 1.4.2 and prior. The problem worked out to be how the Dashboard Javascript engine interpreted a non-breaking whitespace character when compared to a normal space character. Previously they matched, now they

Minor update to the site

I recently updated all the packages that are used to generate this site, WordPress, Gallery and the vSlider theme, so let me know if you see any inconsistencies or problems with any of the content! One thing that has changed is the fading in and out of the random header