Welcome to my new web site! You may have noticed that as well as looking a lot different to my old website, I’ve also moved it to a new address: expat.mywire.org. Make sure you bookmark it and check back regularly for updates!
All the stuff from my old web site is still here, you can use the menus on the left to look around and the calendar and archived list on the right to search for older stuff (once I’ve got more than just this welcome message here!). You can make comments on my entries and even register yourself and leave your own entries!
For those who care about such things as technical details, my new site is no longer powered by a Mac Mini running the sublime OS X but the content is still being delivered by WordPress.
About time
I like your website; I will share this with friends
Hello, I just wanted to say you have a very informative site which really made me think, Thanks ! A site with a wealth of info.!…thanks very much! Have a nice Day!!